Dr. Chen discovered the importance of cancer prevention link between proper nutrition and the health of the human immune system. This momentous discovery led Dr. Chen to pioneer the E. Excel science of Nutritional Immunology. E. Excel International is her global platform for the advancement of Nutritional Immunology and the research of plant foods.
I strongly believe in the ability of young people to accelerate innovation and generate positive business momentum. This place provide a very promising platform for young people to bring their ideas to life.
Leong Siew Chi (梁少芝)
Course Developer
Increasingly young graduates become young leaders– then this international network becomes very important. It will provide a physical space for those creative young leaderd to get together and inspire each other.
Amy Tan (陈若梅)
Course Developer
I enjoy cooking & I love contributing recipes to local publisher. Passion to bring the knowledge of a healthy lifestyle to everyone in the world.
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